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Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
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Technology Lending: Search For or Reserve Technology & Equipment

Search for Equipment

Use the Library Catalog to search for technology and equipment that's available to be checked out (e.g., computers, calculators, microphones, and much more!)

Reserve Equipment

Choose one of these options to reserve equipment:

  • Phone: 907-474-7072.
  • E-mail: Please give 24 hour notice! 
  • In-person: Stop by in person. We are located on the 4th floor of the Rasmuson Library.

Equipment Borrowing Policies

  1. Your Polar Express card must be presented to check out equipment or keys—no exceptions! 
  2. You may use not another person’s Polar Express card.
  3. The loan period for equipment is seven days.
  4.  Late equipment may incur fines at the rate of $1/hour.
  5. We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue equipment checkout privileges to any patron who returns equipment late.

    • All library privileges will be blocked while equipment is long overdue (more than 7 days). Don’t be late with equipment, as other patrons may be waiting!

Much of the library's media equipment is heavily scheduled. When patrons return equipment late by even a short time, they may cause major difficulties for another person or an entire class. Therefore, we enforce the following policies:

  • No Renewals
    Due to demand, we do not renew equipment. If you would like to check the equipment out again, please wait 24 hours before doing so.
  • Loan Period
    Most equipment checks out for seven days.
  • Return On Time
    Equipment must be returned at, or prior to, the time it is due.
  • Late Returns
    • Penalty for First Late Return
      The first time equipment is returned late, you will be asked to sign warning form acknowledging that you will be blocked. 
    • Penalty for Second Late Return
      When equipment is returned late a second time, it may result in a 60-day block from further equipment checkout, especially if you have been late in the past, given a prior warning about overdue equipment by a staff person, or the equipment is more than two weeks overdue.
    • Penalty for Third Late Returns
      When equipment is returned late a third time, will be blocked from equipment checkout for one year.
    • Penalty for Fourth Late Returns
      When equipment is returned late after a one-year block, you will be permanently barred from checking out equipment.
  • Overdue and/or Lost
    • Equipment not returned or paid for after seven days will be considered LOST, and you will be billed for the replacement cost of the item.
    • University transcripts may be delayed and, depending on the cost, the you may not be able to register for classes.
    • You will be permanently blocked from checking out media equipment.
    • Patrons who show flagrant disregard of the late equipment policy will be permanently blocked from checking out media equipment. The media technician decides what constitutes "flagrant."
    • Overdue fines are $1.00/hour (or any fraction of an hour).  Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy only.
  • Broken or Damaged Items
    You will be asked to pay replacement costs for any broken or damaged equipment that the Media Technician determines cannot be repaired. The Media Technician will determine the replacement cost at current prices, on a case-by-case basis.
  • Appeals
    If you have been blocked from equipment checkout, you may file a written appeal of the block which will be reviewed by a Media Technician or Circulation Manager. You will be given written notice of the decision within five business days.

Contact Media Services
Phone: 907-474-7072

Sample of Available Equipment

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756800
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6800
Phone: 907-474-7481​​
Text: 907-341-4404​

The University of Alaska is an equal opportunity/equal access employer and educational institution. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.